
Right back where I started.

Publicerad 2013-09-17 09:17:00 i My life, Pictures, Sis,

Good morgning,

So the reason that I haven't been writing lately is that Sis was here! ♥ I drove to Umeå and picked her up on Friday morning and she just left today. It's been the most amazing couple of days and I just get more and more sad everytime we have to part cause I never know when we'll meet again. But hopefully I'll go down in a month or so and spend halloween there *fingers crossed*.

But now I'm all alone again and it's so sad. Even the weather is sad! It's raining right now and I'm hoping it will stop cause I wanna go for a walk in like an hour.. Sooo, no pressure weather.

Luckily my brother's work-period-thing has ended and he came home two days ago, so I won't be all alone. I'll probably ask him to tag along to the gym from now on :D

Well I didn't really have that much to say right now. Might upload some pictures later when Sis sends them to me.. We'll see!

Hope you'll have a wonderful day and that you're surrounded by people you love!


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