Hello there,
So I don't really know what to do with my life anymore. All I really do is go for morning walks, which in my world is around 10-11, and then I work out around 3 and then I might buy some food on my way back home - end of day. Yes, my life is really fullfilling. Lol jk.
But the point was that today I actually walked around in stores with my brother for probably a solid 2 hours and when I got home, I vacuumed the apartment. And did some general cleaning. And yet I'm still sitting here, at 18:48, bored out of my fricking mind cause there's so long until I can actually go to sleep. But I don't really wanna go to sleep cause I've been drinking Monsters for the past hour and I'm not tired at all. I'm just so bored. Like, really bored.
I think I might be hyper cause of all the caffein. I'm just gonna shut my face and go play some Animal Crossing.
Hope your evening is nice though!